Most businesses start out as a small company, owned by one person or by a partnership. The most common type of business when there are multiple owners is a corporation. The law sees a corporation as real, live person. Like an adult, a corporation is treated as a distinct and independent individual who has rights and responsibilities. A corporation's "birth certificate" is the legal form that is filed with the Secretary of State of the state in which the corporation is created, or incorporated. It must have a legal name, just like a person. 

A corporation is separate from its owners. It's responsible for its own debts. The bank can't come after the stockholders if a corporation goes bankrupt. 

A corporation issues ownership share to persons who invest money in the business. These ownership shares are documented by stock certificates, which state the name of the owner and how many shares are owned. the corporation has to keep a register, or list, of how many shares everyone owns. Owners of a corporation are called stockholders because they own shares of stock issued by the corporation. One share of stock is one unit of ownership; how much one share is worth depends on the total number of shares that the business issues. the more shares a business issues, the smaller the percentage of total owners' equity each share represents. 

Stock shares come in different classes of stock. Preferred stockholders are promised a certain amount of cash dividends each year. Common stockholders have the most risk. If a corporation ends up in financial trouble, it's required to pay off its liabilities first. If any money is left over, then that money goes first to the preferred stockholders. If anything is left over after that, then that money is distributed to the common stockholders.  

An out of control teacher: This is either scary or a highly entertaining venue for students. Let’s consider the latter. How many students can deny that they get a quick and amusing thrill out of comments like this?

“This year there are going to be two types of students in my class - good students and bad students. Who’s bad in this class? Just try me, because I’m already starting a list, even if this is only the first day of class!”

Or how about this one?

“I’m waitin...

teacher,music,music scale,students,class

Article Body:
An out of control teacher: This is either scary or a highly entertaining venue for students. Let’s consider the latter. How many students can deny that they get a quick and amusing thrill out of comments like this?

“This year there are going to be two types of students in my class - good students and bad students. Who’s bad in this class? Just try me, because I’m already starting a list, even if this is only the first day of class!”

Or how about this one?

“I’m waiting for quiet. I SAID I’m waiting for quiet. How LOUD do I have to scream before there’s quiet in this room? I said QUIET. QUIII---ETTT!!!”

Isn’t it funny how loud the requesting party is? If learning by example is a necessity in teaching, then surely constant screaming in a teacher reinforces loud behavior in students, whether it is on a conscious or subconscious level.

My best teachers raised their voices in class very infrequently. They also always seemed to be three steps ahead of us in their thought process. Kids need that in a teacher. My students know that I’m like a musical encyclopedia to them (I’m a music teacher). Any inquiries that a good teacher receives are returned to a questioning student in a calm, informative way.

Rule number one for any teacher is simple: don’t scream. Given that, let’s throw a couple more rules out there. Be humble and learn to laugh, especially at yourself.

Let’s address humbleness. Students love to make fun of a teacher who is full of him or herself. Occasionally, a teacher can get away with having a big ego provided they have a whole list of spectacular qualities to compensate. However, usually people with arrogance have a lot of insecurities. Kids love entertainment, and insecurities create a wonderful and enjoyable viewing environment. Consider these quotes:

“No one talks to me like that. Do you know who I’ve taught in the past? I can hold my head up high because I know I’m a great teacher. Now, you give me some respect!”

The above quote sounds like a resume. Students don’t want a verbal resume, especially one that consists of so little substance. A silent resume speaks within the actions of a competent professional.

Learning to laugh is one of the most attractive qualities that a teacher, or any individual for that matter, can have. Humor connects the subject at hand with fun and any subject that is associated with fun is assimilated at a greater rate. There’s a fine line between being able to laugh at yourself and being a pushover. Consider two responses to the following situation:

Student: “Teacher, you’re mumbling. How can I learn if I don’t hear?”

Insecure, pushover teacher: “I’m sorry. I know that I mumble sometimes. You’re not the first person to get angry at me for that. I really am so sorry.”

Insecure, mean teacher: “Why don’t you get your hearing checked… and never talk to me like that again. It’s mean! You’re a very, very mean student!”

Secure teacher: “You know what? I’m going to start drinking coffee again so I don’t mumble. I can’t even hear myself sometimes. By the way, now that I’m speaking clearly, can you play a concert B major scale on your trumpet?”

That’s a hard music scale! The secure teacher has somehow managed to turn the student’s attack into a gentle attack of his or her own. The teacher has also shown that the mumbling comment has only served as a vehicle for a teaching challenge. Suffice to say, I do not get many wisecrackers in my class.

Be patient (no screaming), be humble and learn to laugh. Oh, by the way, these two final thoughts may also be helpful:

1. Be an expert on the subject that you are teaching. Constantly read and update your knowledge.

2. Enjoy your students and your mentoring job. Passing on knowledge is one of the most rewarding experiences imaginable. It’s a privilege.

When asked about the right camping backpack, most people who do not have any experience in camping will say that it is just a bag. The kind of back one chooses is not a small issue to people who have experience in camping. You will never be grateful for a good backpack until and unless you have bad experience with a bad one.

For instance, a trekker who went on a trip to Appalachians in the year 1994 went back home broken and bleeding from the heaviness of a bad backpack wh...

camping, camping tips, camping supply, camping tents, camping gear, camping recipes

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When asked about the right camping backpack, most people who do not have any experience in camping will say that it is just a bag. The kind of back one chooses is not a small issue to people who have experience in camping. You will never be grateful for a good backpack until and unless you have bad experience with a bad one.

For instance, a trekker who went on a trip to Appalachians in the year 1994 went back home broken and bleeding from the heaviness of a bad backpack which caused his hips to be injured. Ten years later, he was a lot wiser and experienced than he was before; he took a better backpack and had a better and much more fun-filled experience.

Since we have decided the necessity of a good pack, given below are few tips that will help you choose a good backpack for your camping trip:

1. Recognize your requirements- The preferences of trekkers and campers are different. Some people take as minimum instruments as possible on their trips where as some take more.

Whatever that is that you may take with you, it will be a basis for what kind of backpack you will require. Assess your space requirements. In fact, most of the capable sales persons can assist you choose the right pack with the amount of space you need. While you are on this, try measuring the instrument that you may want to take for the longest trip that you intend to go.

2. Is the pack comfortable- When selecting a backpack, this is possibly the most essential point that you should keep in mind. Every person who intends to go camping would like to get a pack that can take most amount of weight with only a slight effort or difficulty.

When you have a good pack, it allocates the weight evenly and effectively. As a result, you do not face any problem while carrying it. In order to know how a pack can help in this, you will have to check out the pack yourself. Usually most camp stores have sand weights to put in the pack. You can examine how this pack can hold the weight and before deciding to buy it, make sure that the pack is comfortable.

The most important point that you should remember is that shoulder strap should carry about three-tenth of the weight where as the rest of the weight should be carried by the hips. While you are examining the pack, ensure that the shoulder straps are comfortable. It would be advisable to move about with the pack in order to determine how much mobility the pack can provide.

Usually most pack have sternum strap with them and these strap helps in stabilizing the pack. These straps are usually situated below to collar bone to guarantee comfort and steadiness.

Hip belts should not restrict your respiration nor should it be too broad that it hinders in the way of your steadiness.

The designs of the backpack will always be different and the backpack companies will always claim to have a new and improved pack for the purpose of camping. In order to know how good they are, just try them out.

3. Select your frame- You can choose between internal and external frames. The frames that are thinner and that hug your body closer are internal frames. These frames are perfect for hard paths as they are easily maneuvered and do not restrict the movements. However, these frames are a little difficult to load.

External frames are usually perfect for the beginners as they are not difficult to pack but they are a little stiff and may restrain the movements. This is the best kind of pack for children and the starters.

4. Miscellaneous- While you are buying your backpack, ask if the pack is well-suited to the different kinds of weather in order to protect your pack. You should also think about how the other attachments can be adjusted with it. Usually pack rings and snap-on(s) permit accessories to join together with the backpack.


Ultimately what matters the most is a good backpack. Selecting a good pack will certainly improve your camping experience. Remember to choose cautiously as your backpack will be your most trusted companion. Have a great trip!

Wanting a slimmer and sexier body is no lofty ambition. Many people have succeeded in sculpting their physiques to make them look healthy and desirable. However, this end is not attained in just a snap or skipping one night's dinner. For some people though, patience is not a virtue. They seem not to be able to afford so much attention, time and money to get the body they have always wanted. As a result, these people result to rapid weight loss practices and programs which may not be as effective as these people are led to believe they are.

Fast-track diets are one of these rapid weight loss practices which may not be very inviting as they seem according to research. Fast-track diet programs, as scientific research shows, are only good while they last. Rapid weight loss often results ironically, to rapid weight gain. people who undergo low carbohydrate or low calorie diets normally revert back to old eating habits simply because human beings can not actually live on with this type of diet scheme for the rest of their lives.

Now there is also scientific research showing that rapid weight loss does not imply an individual is losing unwanted excess fat; it is commonly water that is lost with following rapid weight loss practices. This could cause certain alarm but actually, water lost is regained very quickly. So there is actually zero net weight lost after all. So one should not be foolish enough to be so gullible with the advertising of certain diet pills out there in the market; especially those which claim to aid lose a whopping amount of fat in a short time. They will only dehydrate the body. And just so it is clear, the body can only lose two pounds of fat per week, one could be exceptionally lucky if he can lose three, but normally, it's just two.

Another rapid weight loss product out in the market is the slimming soap. Claiming that these soaps are made from a unique concoction of rare chinese herbs and seaweed, they assert to help people using them to shed off body fats by emulsifying them upon application while taking a bath. Some are even specialized like those which promise to give the user "beautiful thighs". The ingredients may prove to improve the quality of the skin but no research has ever come up yet which aids to prove the efficacy of these ingredients in emulsifying excess body fats.

One more rapid weight loss product out there in the market promises to suppress hunger and at the same time help increase the body's metabolic rate. It also claims to be able to accelerate the healing process and reduce certain body pains, all these plus its being a very chic fashion accent. Well they are actually called magnetic weight loss earrings.

The secret of this set of earrings is in the magnet, so it says. Wearing them near the ears balances the magnetism in the body therefore one will experience all the above mentioned effects. Though press releases say that there are actually "studies" to back these assertions up, nothing yet is found in medical journals. Though buying a set may not kill a person, it's probably not a wise investment. One might as well wear a horse shoe earring for a more exquisite fashion statement.

Bottom line is "no pain, no gain". If one wants a beautiful body, one must sweat it out. And as for those rapid weight loss products coming out on the market, if they are too good to be true, they probably are not.

There are many kinds of fishing equipments in stores, numerous fishing methods in books, and fishing advices online. To make it all simple, here are the basic things you need to know for your first time fishing adventure.

1) How to fish with bait

* Tackle. To plunk the bait, you should purchase lead weights. The weight of the lead would vary depending on the current of the environment. Anglers commonly use and recommend bank sinkers with a number-two hook.

To avoid sinkers to slide, you would need a swivel to act as a stop. To protect the knot, you could use plastic beads between the swivel and weight. Using two appropriate swivels could allow you to rig the sliding sinkers.

* Bait. The commonly used bait for all kinds of fishes is worms. Another popular bait is chicken liver. Remember to buy fresh bait and keep them cold to avoid them from getting soft and allowing the bait to stay within your hooks.

Some of the commonly used baits are cut-baits which include skin from fried chicken, fish entrails, grasshoppers, salmon eggs, shrimps and crayfish tails.

2) How to fish – There are three basic methods for fishing.

* Plunking – It is the most common method used. Use a suitable amount of weight for you to be able to take hold of the bait in a position which is against any current. An option in plunking is to use minimal weight for the bait to move along with the water current.

* Back bouncing – It is done by lifting the bait out the bottom and raising the tip of the rod for one to two feet. Allowing the bait to walk with the current, you should free the back reel or spool. Repeat the steps when the lure settles down on the bottom. Back bouncing is effective in deeper water like fishing in a boat.

* Drift-fishing – It is a simple method wherein you cast upstream or downstream. This may vary depending on the current's amount. You should count the appropriate depth and start reeling.

3) How to fish from a boat – It is important to determine in which location you would perform your fishing. Deeper water needs heavier jigheads compared when fishing on shore.

* With heavy weight which keeps your bait near the bottom of the water and the line straight down from your boat, you are able to drift the boat along with any current. A good technique of fishing on boats is trolling slowly with a fishing device called bottom-walker.

Fishing is easy as long as you’re enjoying the trip. Bring some of your family and friends along and make your first time fishing a memorable one.

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